There are two main categories of weight training: strength and muscle building. The best way to know which one is better? See who can lift the most weight. Powerlifting involves the use of your entire body to lift as much weight as you can in a single lifting. If you’ve ever seen strongmen and weightlifters, you’ll know that they have big muscles from all the working out they do. Powerlifting has less emphasis on how much you weigh but more about how much force your muscles can produce. That’s why it’s better than bodybuilding! Powerlifting is a form of competitive strength-based sports in which competitors attempt to break a barbell loaded on a squat rack by squatting against it and then standing back up; usually abbreviated as “snatch” or “clean and jerk” respectively. Powerlifting evolved from Olympic Weightlifting, which in turn has roots in the 19th century sport of Strongman events (such as Atlas Stone). In this article, we will talk about everything you need to know about powerlifting: the rules, equipment, exercises, training programs and more!

What is Powerlifting?

Powerlifting is a sport that consists of three lifts: the squat, bench press and deadlift. These exercises are performed in a competition to establish which lifter has the most amount of weight lifted in each lift within a given number of repetitions. The first recognized powerlifting event was held in 1947 by Dr. Fred Hatfield, but it wasn’t until the late 1960s when powerlifting started to become more well known throughout North America and Europe.

Powerlifting Equipment

In order to compete in a powerlifting meet, you will need to use the following equipment: a barbell and weights (typically dumbbells), a squat rack, and bench. If you’re not sure what kind of barbell you should be using, here are some tips: -A lifting bar is recommended for beginners. This type of bar has a center knurling that helps prevent it from slipping out of your hands when lifting heavy weights or performing wide squats with the bar. -An Olympic lifting bar is recommended if you have experience swinging heavy weights around with ease. It has more weightlifting holes than the standard bar and will provide greater stability during lifts like the bench press and overhead squat. -A specialty powerlifting bar is designed with extra grips or holes for specific exercises such as cleans or snatches. These bars provide added safety and stability during difficult lifts like these ones, which may be helpful for those who are just starting their training journey.

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The Rules of Powerlifting

Every powerlifting competition has a set of rules. Every lifter’s goal is to make the heaviest weight on the barbell possible. The rules are as follows: 1. All lifts must be executed in the squat rack with a rigid barbell loaded to legal height and no more than 5 kilograms over that height. 2. Deadlift implements must have a maximum diameter of 23 centimeters (9 inches), or they will not be allowed in competition. 3. Bench press implements must have a maximum diameter of 20 centimeters (8 inches), or they will not be allowed in competition. 4. No competitor may use chalk or straps during the competition, but these tactics may be used during training for grip development and/or warming up before an attempt at a world record-breaking lift.

Popular Powerlifting Exercises

There are two main categories of weight training: strength and muscle building. The best way to know which one is better? See who can lift the most weight. Powerlifting involves the use of your entire body to lift as much weight as you can in a single lifting. If you’ve ever seen strongmen and weightlifters, you’ll know that they have big muscles from all the working out they do. Powerlifting has less emphasis on how much you weigh but more about how much force your muscles can produce. That’s why it’s better than bodybuilding! Powerlifting is a form of competitive strength-based sports in which competitors attempt to break a barbell loaded on a squat rack by squatting against it and then standing back up; usually abbreviated as “snatch” or “clean and jerk” respectively. The basic rules for powerlifting competitions are similar to those for Olympic weightlifting competitions: lift weights in three lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift) using the snatch or clean & jerk style (but not both); athletes may either “snatch” or “jerk” their own bodyweight; the athlete must be barefoot or wear shoes with no more than 3 inches of heel elevation; and athletes’ shoulders must be strapped in tight so that they stay at their sides during the lifts.

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Strongman Training and Rep Scaling

The most important thing to remember when powerlifting is that you should never do the same weight for reps as for a certain amount of time. The distance between squatting and standing up is called “repetition duration”, but it isn’t necessarily the same in terms of weight. For example, if you are doing 135 pounds for 10 repetitions, you can do 95 pounds for 5 consecutive reps. In general, the more muscle mass you have on your body, the more weight you can lift per rep over time at a given intensity. But there are exceptions to this rule! For instance, one of the most famous powerlifters in history was bench pressing with 700 pounds — but he only did three reps with that weight. This is because his goal was to set a world record.


Powerlifting is a competitive strength sport in which weight is the primary means of determining the winner. The weight classes are divided by gender with an equal number of weight divisions. Powerlifting has been featured in the Olympics and is an official sport of the World Games.